Corina Sosdean

Corina Sosdean

Assistant Professor

Politehnica University of Timisoara
Mechatronics/Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/Construction and mechanical engineering
Highest degree: Doctorate
Degree name: Doctor in Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Area of expertise: Engineering and technology
Skills: EUDRES Circular Economy WP4 SMART BUILDINGS ADAPTABLE TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS (CIA_CLIM) (2018 PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0391) project- Research and experimental activities: Investigation of the mechanical properties of cellular materials used as thermal insulations in smart façade systems, through mechanical compression, bending and toughness fracture testing. Transfer of knowledge for dashboard and head-up display optimization through testing and modelling of advanced materials project (PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0125) - Performing the applied research-development activities, respectively experimental development Phd Thesis: Experimental and numerical investigations of the influence of cracks on mass diffusion in mortar and concrete
E3UDRES2 Areas of interest: Resilient Economy and Innovation for Regions