Silviu Vert

Silviu Vert

Associate Professor

Politehnica University of Timisoara
Department of Communications, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies
Highest degree: Doctorate
Degree name: Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies Engineering
Area of expertise: Engineering and technology
Skills: Research skills:▪ 27 WoS indexed articles (2 articles in Q1/Q2)▪ 4 academic books▪ Member in 7 conference committees (1 as main organizer)▪ Visibility: 344 Google Scholar citations▪ Indexes: Google Scholar – 12, WoS – 5, Scopus – 8 Managerial skills▪ Research planning, resource management, team coordination▪ Coordination of the VR Laboratory▪ Director of 4 national and international grants (of which 3 research projects)▪ Member of 23 national and international grants ▪ Member of the Council of the Communication Department▪ Member of the Council of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies▪ Coordinator of bachelor’s and master’s thesis▪ Member of the board of the Timișoara Community Foundation.Projects (as coordinator):▪ 2023: Coordinator of the project 'UPT Student Entrepreneurial Society – by students, for students ' (STUD-SAS-UPT), no. CNFIS-FDI-2023-F-0703▪ 2022-2024: Coordinator and Smart City expert in the research, development and consulting agreement 'The implementation of the GrCF2 W2: 2022.005424/15763/112065 - GrCF2 W2 - Timisoara City Trams: Green City Action Plan' between Green Partners and UPT, contract no. BC 101/2022▪ 2021-2022: Coordinator for the project titled 'User Experience of Mobile Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage', financed through 'Internal program for stimulating and rewarding academic activity', 2021 Competition, organized by the Politehnica University of Timisoara, contract no. 10162 / 11.06.2021▪ 2020-2022: Coordinator on behalf of the Politehnica University of Timisoara of the Erasmus+ project titled 'Integrating virtual and AUGMENTED reality with WEARable technology into engineering EDUcation (AugmentedWearEdu)', no. 2020-1-NO01-KA203-076540