Eeva Aartolahti

Eeva Aartolahti

Senior researcher

Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
Institute of Rehabilitation, School of Health and Social Studies
Highest degree: Doctorate
Degree name: Doctor of Health Sciences
Skills: As a health scientist with a background in physiotherapy, I conduct rehabilitation research in transprofessional teams exploring digital rehabilitation such as gamification in therapeutic exercise, virtual reality and telerehabilitation. I am particularly interested in active ageing and evidence-based practice in digital rehabilitation, from assessment of movement and functioning to active intervention. I have investigated these in randomized controlled trials, qualitative interview studies and systematic reviews of effectiveness and meanings.Ongoing projects involved as senior researcher or co-PI in 2024: DIRECT - Co-innovation of digital rehabilitation in the global marketplace; GaitAge - Gait features in different environments contributing to participation in outdoor activities in old age; Hybrid nature - Recovering from work through nature experiences - heading to the forest or a virtual forest?
Research Expertise: Health sciences