Carla Gamelas (Reis)

Carla Gamelas (Reis)

Associate Professor

Polytechnic University of Setúbal
Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal
Highest degree: Doctorate
Degree name: PhD in Chemistry
Area of expertise: Engineering and technology
Skills: Carla A. Gamelas is a Chemical Engineer by Instituto Superior Técnico, with a PhD in Chemistry by ITQB-NOVA and a post-graduation in Environmental Sanitation Engineering by FCT-NOVA. She is a Professor/Researcher at Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (IPS) and a Researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University (C2TN-IST). With a background in Chemistry (Synthesis and Catalysis), in the last years, she specialized in Air Quality, with a particular focus on particulate matter (PM) chemical characterization, the identification of the contribution of different pollution sources by source apportionment techniques, the health impact of PM (through its oxidative potential), indoor air monitoring and air quality biomonitoring. She worked in 9 national research projects, 1 international project and 1 project with a public entity, co-authored 32 papers in ISI peer-review journals (h-index 15, 652 citations) and her work was presented in 58 communications in international conferences. She supervised 7 and co-supervised 1 MSc thesis and was a reviewer in 12 indexed scientific journals.