Sandrina Moreira

Sandrina Moreira

Associate Professor

Polytechnic University of Setúbal
Management and Economics
Highest degree: Doctorate
Degree name: Economics
Area of expertise: Social sciences
Skills: Her research and teaching interests have focused on sustainable development | regional development and sustainability; circular economy | measurement and applications (including design thinking). Some recent work in these areas are: (i) Trainer for the National Energy Agency (ADENE, Portugal) on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors and Circular Economy in Organizations (November 2023 edition; March 2024 edition); (ii) Guest editor of the special issue of the journal Energies (Q1) 'Sustainability and Circular Economy Applied to Energy, Entrepreneurship and Environmental Management' (March - September 2023); (iii) Provision of Specialized Services as Expertise in Eco-entrepreneurship within the scope of the Ecostartup Project financed by the EU | ESF (European Social Fund) (March-May 2023); (iv) E-Learning course 'DiGiTOOL_to_CE' (KA2 Erasmus Project on a Digital tool to Circular Economy), consisting of 5 modules, for circular economy and circular business models (March 2021 - June 2023). IPS (Portugal) - Principal investigator EULAC ENERGYTRAN – EULAC FOR ENERGY TRANSITION: RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES COOPERATION FOR ENERGY TRANSITION BETWEEN EUROPE AND LATINAMERICAN AND THE CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES Funded by: European Union’s Horizon 2020 program Brief description: EULAC ENERGYTRAN intends to strengthen the cooperation between the European Union and Latin American and the Caribbean research infrastructures to tackle a common challenge: how to get a clean, sustainable and just energy transition. This project pursues its goal through the exchange, generation and transfer of knowledge among entities from a multidisciplinary approach (technological,environmental, social) and through the support to the development of public policies and regulatory frameworks towards climate neutrality. Jan 2024-Dec 2025
Research Expertise: Economics & Business