Universitățile europene sunt alianțe transnaționale formate, în medie, din nouă instituții de învățământ superior, care pot include diferite tipuri de instituții (cum ar fi universități polivalente și de cercetare, universități de științe aplicate, institute de tehnologie, școli de artă și instituții de învățământ profesional și tehnic superior) și acoperă o sferă geografică largă în întreaga Europă.
Împreună, aceste instituții găsesc noi modalități de cooperare structurală, durabilă și sistemică pe termen lung în domeniul educației, cercetării și inovării în întreaga Europă. Ele oferă programe de învățământ centrate pe student, furnizate în comun în campusuri interuniversitare, în cadrul cărora studenții, personalul și cercetătorii din toate regiunile Europei pot beneficia de o mobilitate neîntreruptă.
Management build-up phase completed
The PM and governance elements of the project are set up and running, corresponding to the definitions this proposal.
Beneficiar: STPUAS
Final Report completed and approved by the Executive Board
E³UDRES² Final Report with Achievements and Challenges is completed and approved by the Executive Board.
Beneficiar: STPUAS
E³UDRES² Mobility Model approved
Draft model of mobility formats and guidelines within E³UDRES², indicating issues for digital support.
Beneficiar: MATE
First draft E³UDRES² Multi-i-Campus concept and principles adopted
The system of E³UDRES² Multi-i-Campus Joint Learning Provisions (JLP) is set, definitions are clear, tasks and roles of members are clear. Shared lecturing formats (E³UDRES² labelled lectures) developed
Beneficiar: MATE
E³UDRES² micro-credentials concept and guidelines adopted
The principles of E³UDRES² approach to micro-credentials, definition of target groups, key features of development, delivery and recognition of micro-credentials. Identification of a range of pilot micro-credentials (focus, target groups, roadmap for development incl. role of partners)
Beneficiar: MATE
E³UDRES² Joint Degrees plan approved
Joint E³UDRES² degrees development plan agreed: identification of fields, qualification levels, partners, roadmap for development agreed with indications to accreditation and QA
Beneficiar: MATE
Talent Funnel Concept approved
The detailed description of the Talent Funnel, its elements, principles, links and specified plan for deployment over the project with more specified roles, indication of possible engagement of associated partners (both world of work, associated universities UA & Western Balkans).
Indication of training needs
Beneficiar: UCLL
Talent Matching app specification approved
Research and feedback from relevant stakeholders (partner HEIs, students, employers) on expectations, features translated into app design specification
Beneficiar: UCLL
Talent Funnel elements guidelines approved
Clear, simple guidelines for various elements within the Talent Funnel. Specific instructions for organisers, students and collaborating companies/organisations
Beneficiar: UCLL
Talent matching app available
Talent matching app piloted, tested, launched for use, promoted
Beneficiar: MATE
Talent Funnel elements progress approved
Interim evaluation of Talent Funnel elements implementation: quantitative indicators (min. 25% targets of students’ participation, companies’ involvement, min. 50 % necessary staff trained), qualitative feedback and improvement recommendations.
Beneficiar: JAMK
E³UDRES² scientific body installed
Relevant body for academic and strategic aspects of research activities (scientific council) defined, integrated into the E³UDRES² structure in an agreed way and appointed/elected
Beneficiar: UPT
E³UDRES² Research strategy approved
Revisited strategic document regarding E³UDRES² joint research activities and capacities reflecting previous EU policies, previous activities & experience, integrating capacity of 3 new partners. Setting long-term basis for other Tasks within E³UDRES² 2.0 and beyond 2027.
Beneficiar: UPT
E³UDRES² Research networks policy approved
The revisited E³UDRES² Research network concept including role, descriptions, characteristics, criteria and potential benefits and expectations published
Beneficiar: IPS
E3UDRES2 Applied Research Centres of Excellence (CoE) concept approved
The concept of CoE agreed including criteria, characteristics, role and potential benefits. Identification of potential people / structures and their proposal approved
Beneficiar: UPT
E3UDRES2 doctoral studies concept & policy approved
E3UDRES2 doctoral studies concept & policy: criteria, characteristics, model & rules, variable scope of partners’ support and engagement, including financing and mobility model
Beneficiar: HFD
Structured support for entrepreneurship established
Based on the mapping and exchanges a first common support structure is in place at all hubs to support entrepreneurship. It will be further developed in line with the strategy.
Beneficiar: Saxion
Regional challenges support
Every partner has an infrastructure for stakeholders to address their regional challenges and to forward the suitable challenges into the institutional or E3UDRES2 activities for students or staff. Report with an overview implementation at each partner institution.
Beneficiar: Saxion
E3UDRES2 Future University Think Tank established
E3UDRES2 Future University Think Tank is established, and the first round of events has taken place, providing first insights for future university, and the structure how information should be gathered is clear.
Beneficiar: ViA
E3UDRES2 strategy and future governance and sustainable business model approved
E3UDRES2 strategy and future governance and sustainable business model are developed and approved by all the partners
Beneficiar: ViA
Competence Catalogue approved
Based on the analysed needs and the mapping activities, a catalogue aligns the skills, competences and capacities, which are needed to successfully implement the E³UDRES² objectives with the existing and available expertise and skills within the E³UDRES² institutions, its associated partners, complementary external networks and external experts in the relevant areas.
Beneficiar: HFD
Networking and Training Plan approved
Based on the Competence Catalogue a concept and plan of activities for the Capacity Building within E³UDRES² is developed.
Beneficiar: HFD
Competence Catalogue approved
Based on the analysed needs and the mapping activities, a catalogue aligns the skills, competences and capacities, which are needed to successfully implement the E³UDRES² objectives with the existing and available expertise and skills within the E³UDRES² institutions, its associated partners, complementary external networks and external experts in the relevant areas.
Beneficiar: HFD
Interim report Capacity Building approved
In order to monitor the progress of WP7, a midway report provides an overview of the so far developed formats and implemented activities as basis for possible adjustments.
Beneficiar: HFD
Quality assurance systems overview completed
A report summarising the key features of quality assurance of E3UDRES2 full partners’ quality assurance systems, attention paid to commonalities and challenges. Overview of possible national regulations as regards quality assurance of HE with emphasis on international cooperation, flexible learni8ng and issues relevant for the E3UDRES2 cross-border cooperation.
Beneficiar: IPS
Joint quality assurance principles approved
First E3UDRES2 quality policy, list of processes, principles and indication of standards to be covered by E3UDRES2 activities, the main focus being on learning and teaching and overall coordination. Connection with other relevant WPs (esp. WP2 and WP3) is considered.
Beneficiar: JAMK
Plan for regional impact assessment defined
Selected approach and tools for assessment of the E3UDRES2 alliance impact on the regions and on partner institutions. Proposal based on an overview of the main relevant approaches and tools. A time plan considering outcome and capacity (including format, input evidence, KPIs, etc.) for a review of:
Beneficiar: IPS
E3UDRES2 regional impact reports and cases collected
A set of institutional (self-assessment) documents to feed into peer learning / review activities with regards to E3UDRES2 role and impact.
Beneficiar: JAMK
Benchmark analysis of partners’ digital systems available
Mapping and analysis on E3UDRES2 full partners digital architecture. Input from all partners.
Beneficiar: UPT
Mapping of learning processes & requirements available
Mapping and analysis of processes for learning administration. Requirements for (possible) needed integration of common processes for consortium.
Beneficiar: UPT
E3UDRES2 digital system specification approved
Specification for consortium digital architecture. Summative document, indication of possible solutions and costs
Beneficiar: JAMK
E3UDRES2 Arena test version available
STest version for Arena architecture.
Beneficiar: JAMK
Outreach strategy fulfilled
E³UDRES² has developed and implemented various activities and uses diverse channel to disseminate and community its vision and mission. A broad range of target groups is addressed.
Beneficiar: STPUAS
Activities for a culture of Multilingualism established
E³UDRES² has developed and implemented various activities to promote multilingualism within the alliance and in the regions.
Beneficiar: STPUAS
Community Building to promote European values and impact of E³UDRES² on various target groups established
E³UDRES² community has grown. Students, teachers, staff members, external stakeholders and citizens are part of the E³UDRES² community online and/or onsite. E³UDRES² is further embedded in the local university communication and becomes part of the universities mission and vision. The European values are constantly considered and promoted.
Beneficiar: STPUAS